AssetWise Inspections


The Maintenance tab displays all of the maintenance items and work orders that exist for the asset.

The Create New Work Management and Manage buttons will allow the user to create and manage maintenance items, as described in the Maintenance tab section of the user manual.

The Export To Excel button allows the user to export the Open Maintenance items in the grid to a spreadsheet format in Excel.

The pencil icon allows the user to enter and edit the open maintenance item.

The report actions icon displays a menu with actions that can be taken toward the open maintenance item.

Change Workflow Stage allows the user to move the maintenance item to the next workflow stage.

Assign to Other User allows the maintenance item to be assigned to a specific user.

Assign to Me allows the maintenance item to be assigned to the user logged in.

History displays any comments that have been entered either when assigning a user or moving through workflow stages.

View PDF displays the maintenance item output PDF sections to generate a PDF version of the maintenance item.

Email Subscriptions displays all the maintenance type email alerts that are marked as subscribe-able. Users can opt to subscribe to any alert listed by selecting the Subscribe button in the window. If a user is already subscribed to an alert, they can opt to unsubscribe by selecting the Unsubscribe button in the window.

View Sent Emails displays a grid listing assigned and subscribed emails sent regarding the maintenance type email alert.

Delete deletes the maintenance item from AssetWise Inspections.

The Create New Work Order button will allow the user to create work orders, as described in the Maintenance tab section of the user manual.